Raul Gallo Dagir

(My resumé was getting too messy, so I built this instead)

Interested in how monetary policy shapes our lives and the world around us. The kind of guy who will always find a way to explain how politicians/governments cause problems in our world and how engineers can make this a better and freer place to live. Libertarian, borderline BTC maxi #EndTheFed. Exploring ideas and building in crypto at the moment.

Hobby-wise, I love reading about the intersection of technology, music, and cars. Love to do hands on stuff, especially if it involves messing around with cars, or building cool electronics projects using Raspberry Pis and Arduinos. I also DJ (currently own a Pioneer DDJ-400 controller - layout that's similar to a CDJ in a size small enough to carry around when I travel).

Electrical Engineering @ Stanford

me on social media if you want to connect. Here's my linkedin, and my twitter. Otherwise, send me an email at X@stanford.edu, where X is my first and middle initial followed by my last name.